Friday, December 14, 2007

First Garment: Icelandic Cowl

Hi Guys!
Warning: Newbie alert!
I've gotten pretty far on my icelandic cowl...which really isn't a cowl :) I modified the collar, and even has shaping, not bad for my first garment. Going from scarfs to this was a little scary! I've been tempted to make this longer, but I kinda like it as is.

You can see that my sleeves are a little big. Because I used a different yarn, my gauge was off, but I think I'll be able to work with it. I've uploaded more on the flickr page


  1. It looks fantastic! Super job for your first garment.

  2. It's very pretty!

    What yarn did you use?

  3. I love your thing I love about crochet, it is fairly easy to alter a pattern to meet individual needs. and if it doesnt work, I call it an experiment and give it to my great neice who is 2 and loves my soft creations regardless of how they turn out,,,,,,lots of doll blankets.........LOL
